Parking Services
The WSU Parking Services team aims to make parking on campus convenient for everyone and accommodate the wide variety of campus activities.
Be responsible and drive safely through campus. All vehicles should be locked, and valuables removed when left unattended.
Parking at WSU-Rochester is monitored and maintained by RCTC. Learn more about parking services in Rochester.
Students, staff, and faculty on Winona’s campus can choose to buy a parking permit or use street parking.
Here are maps of the parking lots on the WSU campus in Winona:
Contact Parking Services at 507.457.5062 or email parking@winona.edu for any questions

Admissions Parking
If you are coming to WSU for a campus tour or Admissions event, you are welcome to park in:
- Lot 60, located in front of Somsen Hall on Sanborn Street
- Gold Lot 1, located at the corner of Main and Mark Streets
These are all marked on the Winona Campus Parking Map (PDF).
You need a parking permit to park in campus parking lots year-round—except when Summer Parking rules are in effect.
There are specific permit options for motorcycles and mopeds.

WSU works with the City of Winona in a “Joint Powers Agreement”, which grants WSU the authority to monitor all city streets within campus and streets bordering the campus.
This means that WSU Parking Services will issue citations for violations of WSU parking regulations and city ordinances to vehicles parked on these streets.
The Winona Police Department enforces all city ordinances and violations of state parking regulations on public streets within the City of Winona.
WSU Parking Services does not handle parking tickets from the Winona Police Department.
Important Winona City Ordinances
Vehicles must be parked on a specific side of the street between 12:01am and 6:30am every night from Nov. 15- March 15.
City parking lots 1 and 3 also follow this alternated schedule. You can be issued a citation for violating this ordinance, and your vehicle may be towed away and stored at your expense.
Learn more about Alternate Side Parking.
Vehicles must be moved every 20 hours. Vehicles parked on City of Winona streets longer than 20 consecutive hours are subject to a fine and may also have their vehicle towed.
For more information, contact the Winona Police Department at 507.457.6302.
Driving isn’t the only way to get to campus or around town. In Winona, there are many transportation options including:
- The free WSU shuttle service
- Check out a bike or bring your own to campus
- Sharing rides on Wazoo’s List or with Lyft
Students on the Winona campus can also ride any of the regularly scheduled routes through the Winona Transit bus for free by showing the bus driver their WSU ID.
The WSU-Rochester campus is a regular stop on the Rochester Public Transit routes, which make it a convenient option for many students and employees.