Strategic Planning
At Winona State, we are committed to uncovering transformational ideas that continually improve our university to keep up with our ever-changing world.
Through our strategic planning, we strive to build a better campus, bigger outcome, and ultimately, a brighter future.
Our Strategic Framework guides the University, helping to identify and support our core practices.
View the WSU Strategic Framework (PDF) for full details about strategic goals and the progress we’ve made toward these initiatives.
The Student Success strategic goal focuses on teaching practices, learning pathways, assessment of processes, academic planning, technology, public accountability to:
- Reinvent teacher education
- Clarify student pathways
- Coordinate university-wide assessment plans and processes
- Maintain public accountability
- Develop and implement Academic Plan 2020-2025
- Leverage tomorrow’s technology in academics

The Student Success strategic goal focuses on entrepreneur experiences, advising and program investments to:
- Improve the Student Experience
- Achieve Advising Excellence
- Focus Academic Investments
- Enhance Graduation Planning
- Provide Co-Curricular Transcripts and Programming
- Expand eServices

The Inclusive Excellence strategic goal focuses on retention, recruitment and campus climate to:
- Increase campus diversity, equity and inclusion
- Assess and address the strengths and gaps in current practices for diversity and inclusivity in the WSU community
- Create organizational structures and processes that ensure the enhancement of a culturally competent, welcoming and pluralistic university
- Close the Achievement Gap
- Build long-term relationships with under-represented alumni (BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and others)
- Create spaces for open dialogue for topics of diversity

The Relationships strategic goal focuses on community engagement, WSU-Rochester, and Warrior pride to:
- Strengthen Rochester community access
- Enhance shared community and campus services
- Develop and enhance programs to strengthen a culture of civility and collegiality on our campus and in our local communities
- Enhance community engagement that supports teaching and learning
- Expand facilities and programs in Rochester, specifically at the Broadway Campus
- Implement Warrior Pride initiatives

The Stewards of Place and Resources strategic goal focuses on engagement, arts and culture, sustainability, facilities, recreation, athletics, and wellness to:
- Expand support for arts and cultural activities
- Expand recreation, athletics and wellness spaces
- Enhance the practice and teaching of sustainability
- Enhance support for engaged learning
- Implement sustainable energy savings program
- Enhance instruction spaces for collaboration in art, computer science and math
- Enhances facilities planning in Winona and Rochester
- Implement WSU Thriving 2035: Re-imagining Residence Life Plan

Strategic Plans
The Strategic Plans are area-specific operational plans which are constructed from the Strategic Framework goals.
These plans work towards want to become and where we will invest our efforts for the next five to ten years.
WSU wants to continue delivering one of the finest public education experiences in Minnesota. Through these plans, we are working on the hopes and dreams of doing that, and more.
Our Brilliant Tomorrow is a comprehensive plan that defines a long-term vision for WSU’s campuses in Winona and Rochester.
Finalized in 2022, this plan serves as a tool for WSU to prioritize facilities projects and optimize capital investments in:
- campus buildings
- infrastructure
- landscape
- other physical resources

WSU engaged HGA architects and engineers for a 14-month planning process beginning in July 2021.
With input from students, faculty, and staff, the following guiding principles were established:
- Advance the campus culture that promotes DEAI (Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, Inclusivity) and collaboration
- Generate plans that are data-informed and actionable, with a clear “why”
- Craft innovative and adaptable spaces that support all student typologies and the Future of Learning
- Reinforce academic excellence through hands-on learning and one-on-one interactions to drive enrollment
- Integrate sustainability and resiliency into physical space, materials, and processes
- Support growth in Rochester and elevate outreach and engagement within the community