Research Publications
Publish your research and build your academic portfolio while at WSU.
Employers want to see the breadth of skills and talent you can bring to a job position—that’s where a portfolio comes in handy.
Show your expertise in research and reporting by publishing your findings before you graduate.
OpenRiver is WSU’s online library of campus presentations, projects, and publications. Think of this as our very own collection of everything our students and faculty have achieved.
Browse through some of our collections.
Check out projects and presentations done by undergraduate students who are further into their college career.
Dive into what first-generation and underrepresented college students achieved shortly after arriving at WSU.
Explore presentations and papers from a plethora of areas that students and faculty shared at the Ramaley Undergraduate Research Celebration.
This collection publishes more than a decade’s worth of Winona State student capstone papers and other culminating program projects.
Many of our student scholars become emerging practitioners in their field. Get a glimpse of what they’re up to with these highlights.

You can also publish your work with external research publishers, like the Council on Undergraduate Research.
This organization has several resources for undergraduate students who are ready to engage with the research publishing community.