Writing Center
Located in Minné 348, the WSU Writing Center offers free, personalized tutoring for students working on writing assignments in all genres and disciplines.
The Writing Center is for all WSU students at any ability level—from first year students to graduate students, including English as a Second Language (ESL) students.
You can visit the Writing Center at any point in your writing process, whether you’re writing a term paper, an essay, pamphlets, letters, resumes, or job applications.
We can help you with things like pre-writing, idea generation, revision, and citation. Tutors are familiar with a variety of citation styles, such as MLA, APA, CBE, and Chicago Manual of Style.
The service is free, so you can visit multiple times—even for the same assignment.
You can select your tutor when making an appointment, so you can stay with the same tutor for each session or you can change tutors
In-person appointments must be made 24 hours in advance.
You can schedule an online tutorial with only 30 minutes in advance of the session.
Make an AppointmentOnce you’re logged into TracCloud with your StarID credentials, select the option “Search for Writing Center tutoring sessions” and follow the prompts.
If your tutorial will be online, you’ll receive an email with a Zoom link.
What Tutoring Can & Can’t Do
Writing Center tutors are talented students who have taken a class to prepare them to become tutors.
Ethically, tutors cannot rewrite your work or proofread it for you. Their job is to guide you through the process of improving your work.
While tutoring is not the same as teaching, this 1-on-1 experience can help you improve your writing ability.
Need help writing a scholarship essay or a personal statement for graduate school? Want some tips for crafting a Review of Literature for class?
Dr. Liberty Kohn walks you through how to write a review of literature with examples from different fields to see the commonalities and differences.
Dr. Liberty Kohn shows you how to write personal statements, scholarships, and graduate professional program applications.
It’s a great internship opportunity for English majors, but any outstanding writers can apply.
If you have any questions about becoming a tutor, email Dr. Karen Schroeder at kschroeder@winona.edu.