Early Intervention Program
WSU uses a retention tool called the Early Intervention program or EIP. This program helps identify struggling students and provide them with the resources they need to be successful.
This program helps reach retention goals because Generation Z students want interaction, and they want lots of information. But they are not always good at asking for information or help, especially in-person.
They thrive in an environment where a professor and/or advisor makes something “mandatory.” In other words, if you tell them that something is necessary for class, or something is necessary for success, they tend to do it.
Generation Z students also prefer a “co-existing” culture. When students see teaching faculty who care enough to involve other campus contact points, it becomes clear how much we care about student success at WSU.
The EIP allows faculty & supplemental advisors to intervene early enough to make a difference in a student’s success academically and remaining at the university.
Teaching faculty receive an email directing them to WarriorSpace where they can report on any student in any of their courses that they have academic concerns such as missing classes, not doing assignments, poor test/quiz results, not understanding course materials and more.
Once a report is submitted, comments and concerns will be forwarded to the students’ assigned academic advisor and any other supplemental advisors that the student may be connected to (Warrior Success Center, Athletics, Housing and Residential Life, Inclusion and Diversity, TRIO, etc.) for further follow up with the student.
This follow up is completed through a form on WarriorSpace where faculty get information on the student and can see what outreach has been done already.
Some things to remember:
- Faculty advisors will have the opportunity to connect with student and help them navigate WSU
- Consult the Faculty Advising Toolkit for additional tips and resources
- Report nonacademic concerns to the Behavioral Assessment & Intervention Team (BAIT)
Roles & Responsibilities
Early each semester you will receive an email from the Warrior Success Center directing you to WarriorSpace where you will be able to submit academic concerns through the EIP.
You will be able to access this system and submit a concern for any student in any of your classes throughout the semester.
When the faculty advisor and/or other WSU professionals associated with the student respond to the EIP submission, you will be notified via email.
Because the system operates through WarriorSpace, you will be able to log in and see who you have reported each semester.
You will receive an email alerting you that a student on your advisee list has had an EIP submission. The email will contain a link that will give you specific information about the student, which professor submitted the concern, and what the main issues are.
Contact the student via email and ask them to come in during office hours or provide tips of success in the email you send.
Tips you can share include but are not limited to:
- Tutoring Services
- The Warrior Success Center
- Access Services
- Faculty office hours
For this program to succeed as a retention tool, applying a more intrusive advising model is encouraged.
After you connect with the student, return to WarriorSpace and record the interaction.
The reporting faculty will be sent an email alerting them that the student was contacted.