Business Academic Departments
The academic departments in the College of Business are dedicated to equipping students with the skills for lifelong success in the global community.

Not only are the College of Business faculty teaching in the classrooms, but they are also contributing research to their professional fields.
Researchers: Mussie Tessema, Kathryn Ready, et al.
Journal: International Journal of Business Performance Management (Forthcoming)
Research questions, purposes, and problems:
To examine the correlation between diversity-related values and the financial performance of the sample companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Research methodology:
This study uses values statements randomly collected from 249 companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The sample companies had 1419 corporate values statements, then categorized into 51 value classes. The 51 value classes were grouped into seven value dimensions. It also uses the following four indicators of financial performance of the sample companies: 2-year stock price changes, 5-year stock price changes, the price to earnings ratio, and price to sales ratio.
Findings of the study:
In this study, about 57 percent of the sample companies have publicized diversity related value statements. This may suggest that the number of companies that are working to diversify their workforce has been increasing. The findings of the current study show that diversity related values statements are found to be positively correlated with financial performance of the sample companies, as indicated by two and five-year price changes and price to earnings and sales ratios. The current study also reveals that diversity related values statements are positively correlated with two sectors, namely primary and tertiary.
Managerial and business implications of the study:
The positive correlation between diversity related value statements and financial performance of the sample companies has an important managerial implication in that companies should make effort to diversity their workforce. This is because having a diverse workforce and effective workforce diversity management can provide a number of advantages such as: fostering a larger pool of ideas and experiences; providing a company with greater knowledge of the preferences and consuming habits of a diversified market; meeting business strategy needs and the needs of customers more effectively; supplying a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources; and generating a variety of viewpoints.
Researchers:Jodi Olson and Joann Segovia
Journal: Journal of Business Strategies, 38(1), 62-71 (2021)
Research questions, purposes, and problems:
The article describes an affordable, easy to use resource, with relevant content for CPAs who need to fulfill National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA)-approved CPE credits.
Research methodology:
We cross referenced the NASBA technical fields of study to LinkedIn Learning Resources to identify the prevalence of learning opportunities that qualify for CPE credits for CPAs.
Findings of the study:
LinkedIn Learning provides a valuable resource for CPAs through CPE credit attainment and as client service opportunities.
Managerial and business implications of the study:
The inclusion of LinkedIn Learning as a sponsor in the NASBA Registry sends a clear message to the profession that these video tutorials provide affordable, easily accessible CPE with a breadth of content. Furthermore, given the free trial period and free access with a library card at a public library, the opportunity to assess this as a viable option for CPE credits comes at no risk to the practitioner.
Researchers: K. Gok, et al.
Journal:International Journal of Conflict Management, 32(1), 1-19 (2021)
Research questions, purposes, and problems:
This study aims to understand the conditions in which subordinates, after making a mistake, are more likely to engage in feedback avoidance behavior (FAB), a set of behaviors that could ultimately jeopardize patient safety in a health care context.
Research methodology:
This study used a sample of 183 independent leader-subordinate dyads in the health care service sector. For this study, a multiple mediator model in which three types of conflict (task conflict, relationship conflict, and process conflict) were tested and acted as mediating mechanisms that transmitted the effects of perceived dissimilarity to FAB.
Findings of the study:
The results supported the mediating role of two of the three forms of conflict and highlighted the consequences of dissimilarity between supervisors and subordinates in the healthcare setting.
Managerial and business implications of the study:
When delivered properly, performance feedback is a practical and impactful resource for both leaders and subordinates. However, research evidence shows that several factors reduce performance feedback effectiveness (Kluger and DeNisi, 1996).
To address these factors, Steelman et al. (2004) established a construct called “feedback environment,” which highlights six conditions necessary for delivering effective feedback that is accepted and even sought out (rather than avoided) by subordinates.
All these conditions are highly relevant to minimizing perceptual differences and reducing conflict between leaders and subordinates.
Before attempting to create a healthy feedback environment, the training must start with a heightened awareness of the tendency of leaders to treat subordinates perceived as dissimilar more negatively. The training should emphasize that some subordinates will be motivated to actively avoid feedback from their leaders because it may be ego-threatening or negatively affect their public image.
Researchers: Joann Segovia and Jodi Olson
Journal: Business Education Forum, 74(3), 10-13 (2020).
Research questions, purposes, and problems:
To provide instructors information on how to acquire access to LinkedIn Learning videos, share potential assignments for use in courses, and discuss the benefits of these videos.
Research methodology:
This article serves as a reference for instructors/faculty for building courses from available online resources on a variety of topics.
Findings of the study:
LinkedIn Learning provides instructors a valuable resource. Thousands of high-quality video courses addressing software and business-related topics exist that instructor can use to develop separate modules or supplement classroom curricula.
Managerial and academic implications of the study:
Faculty can save time in creating assignments that reflect relevant and interesting topics applicable to professional positions.
In addition, students have cost savings by using the online videos rather than buying printed materials. The video-based content engages students and includes online quizzes or exercises for various topics.