Title IX
Title IX is a federal law that protects students from sex discrimination in all University student services and academic programs.
It also governs campus investigations of sexual harassment, sexual violence, and rape.
Most people remember it as the law granting girls and women equal access to academic and athletic opportunities at schools, colleges, and universities.
However, Title IX offers protection from discrimination on the basis of sex in wide variety of situations. This includes, but is not limited to, the following examples.
All students must be treated equally with: experiences in the classroom, coursework and assignments, grading practices, academic advising, and course registration.
All students need to have equal access to: financial aid, advising, housing and residential life programs, athletics, recreational services, and health and counseling services.
Title IX considers discrimination to include sexual harassment, sexual violence, and rape.
Campuses must provide a way for students to file complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence and then fully investigate each claim.
Training and prevention programs are required as are reports on campus sexual assault statistics.
Title IX forbids discrimination because of sex in the admissions process and other recruitment outreach at the university level, for academic programs, and in other campus activities.
Title IX also forbids discrimination because of sex when considering job candidates and selecting new hires for open positions—whether these are full-time or part-time jobs.
WSU may not retaliate against anyone for making or participating in a compliant action.
There cannot be any retaliation against anyone for opposing an unlawful educational practice or policy.
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is responsible for enforcing Title IX.
If WSU fails to comply with Title IX, we risk losing federal funding for the institution such as grants, subsidies, and other program funds. In addition, WSU is at risk for lawsuits from those seeking redress for violations of Title IX.
To ensure WSU complies with Title IX law, it is the responsibility of everyone in our campus community to behave in a nondiscriminatory manner.
202 Somsen Hall
WSU expects that our campus community practices affirmative consent. This means that consent is informed, freely given, and mutually understood.
There is no consent if intimidation, threats, or physical force are used. Past consent does not imply future consent.
Submit a Complaint
Reporting an incident is your choice. You can stay anonymous or provide contact information.
Reporting to WSU Security or the Title IX Coordinator can help prevent others from being sexually assaulted.
You may submit a complaint personally or through a third-party report. You do not have to pursue charges or open a police investigation.
WSU’s Sexual Violence Policy & Procedure ensures a prompt investigation into the complaint.
Learn more about submitting a Title IX complaint.
Sexual Violence Resources
If you experience an incident of sexual misconduct or are a survivor of sexual assault, there are resources to help you through this experience.
You have the right to choose your course of action and set the pace.
You may want to reach out to:
- Confidential Advocate
- WSU Security
- Title IX Coordinator
- local law enforcement
- professional counselors and advocates
Local resources include the Advocacy Center of Winona and the Dodge, Fillmore and Olmsted County Victim Services.
MN Coalition Against Sexual Assault and National Domestic Violence Hotline (1.800.799.7323) are statewide and national organizations that support victims of sexual violence.
Reports & Training
WSU also provides reports on campus crime statistics as well as state and federally mandated reports on sexual violence on campus.
The Annual Security Report contains information and data on WSU security policies and crime reports.
This state mandated report provides sexual assault data gathered from colleges and universities in Minnesota.
This report is due each year by Oct. 1, and data extends over the prior academic year (Jan. 1–Dec. 31).
This federally mandated report collects data from all colleges and universities that receive federal funding about: crime on campus, efforts to improve campus safety, and efforts to inform the public of crime in or around the campus
WSU includes this information in the Annual Security Report.
For more information, please see Minnesota State Policies & Regulations and WSU Policies & Regulations.
Other resources include:
- Jeanne Clery Act
- Minnesota Statute 135A.15, Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy
- Clery Center for Security on Campus
- Minnesota Office of Higher Education – Student Health and Safety
Title IX Staff Training
To meet Title IX compliance requirements, Winona State’s team of Title IX investigators, coordinators, decision makers, and informal resolution facilitators must attend regular trainings.
Training materials that our Title IX team acquired recently include:
- SPARC Stalking & Co-Occurring Victimizations on College Campuses Webinar (PDF) – Sept. 2023
- Informal Resolution Process Refresher (PDF) – Sept. 2023
- Decisionmaker Training (PDF) – Sept. 2023
- 1B.1 Investigator Training (PDF) – Sept. 2023
- 1B.3 Investigator Training (PDF) – Aug. 2023
- 1B.1 Investigator Training (PDF) – Aug. 2023
- Title IX VAWA/Investigator Training – June 2023
- Informal Resolution Training – June 2023
- 1B.3 Investigator Training (PDF) – April 2023
- 1B.1 Investigator Training (PDF) – April 2023
- 1B.3 Investigator Training (PDF) – Nov. 2022
- 1B.1 Investigator Training (PDF) – Nov. 2022
- Informal Resolution Presentation (PDF) – June 2022
- 1B.3 Investigator Training (PDF) – April 2022
Sexual Violence Policies, Procedures & Laws
WSU adheres to Minnesota State policies and procedures for sexual violence as well as federal Title IX law.