The Krueger Library is located on the southeast edge of Main Campus between Minné Hall and the Integrated Wellness Complex (IWC).
The library features a variety of study lounges, resource centers, and a cafe.
Students can use their Warrior ID card to check out books, laptop chargers, or whiteboard markers and erasers.
Students can also look at class materials their professors put on hold.

Each major and minor has a librarian who’s familiar with specialized topics in that area.
Students can make a one-on-one appointment with a librarian or stop by this desk.

The DLC offers troubleshooting services for any tech issues and color printing in a convenient location.

Study Spaces
The library provides a study spaces throughout 3 floors, with plenty of tables, chairs, and desks to choose from.
Students should also be mindful of the preferred volume of voice for each level of the library.
On the first floor, students can use a normal conversational tone.
This is a great level for those who want to collaborate with others for group work or talk through assignments.
On the second floor, students can use a light whisper.
This is a great level for those who want to be in a quieter space but still have the freedom to talk without being too distracting to others.
On the third floor, students can be completely silent.
This is a great level for those who want to complete their work without any distractions.
Most of these private study rooms have a whiteboard and monitor screen to display and work on assignments.
Book a Study Room
This café accepts Dining Dollars—our on-campus currency—as well as regular cash, debit, or credit.
Einstein Coffee & Bagels
Tutoring Services offers one-on-one, drop-in, and group tutoring options for many classes taught at WSU.
Our peer tutors can help students with homework questions and explore study tips.
Tutoring Services