Individualized Studies Program
Through the Individualized Studies program, students can pursue their unique academic interests and personal/professional goals. Students can major or minor in Individualized Studies.
It is an excellent alternative for the mature student who wants to build on personal experience. Through this option, students design their own degree program to fit current and future needs.
The program offers students flexibility while fostering intellectual growth in a variety of academic areas.
The Individualized Studies degree program is great for:
- Students who wish to combine coursework from two or more disciplines around a thematic focus to design a degree that best aligns with their academic needs
- Adult students who may already be working in a profession and require the completion of a bachelor’s degree to achieve specific personal, professional, or vocational goals
- Students who wish to create a custom minor in an academic area where a minor is not available
- Students who require greater flexibility in selecting course delivery and scheduling options that allow them to pursue a college degree while balancing family, work, or other commitments
Academic advisors are experienced in working with adult students and provide individualized services and support to meet their unique needs.
Meet with an academic advisor to discuss your interests and learn how the Individualized Studies program can help meet your goals.
If you are not a current Winona State student, but did previously attend the University, you will need to complete the Re-enrollment Request Form.
If you have never been a student at WSU, we encourage you to formally apply to Winona State.
No official application process for the major or minor is required.
Students should complete a Declaration/Change of Major/Minor Form.
All Individualized Studies majors and minors are required to develop a student program plan.
Developing your study plan requires researching career options and developing a strategy on how to design a customized academic degree to achieve your educational and career goals.
The Student Program Plan is an assignment in INDS 300: Academic Planning and Career Foundations.
It is highly recommended that you take INDS 300 as early as possible.
An approved Individualized Studies Student Program Plan is required to be on file for all Individualized Studies students. You will work with your Individualized Studies advisor for approval of your Student Program Plan.
If you are unable to get into INDS 300 right away, you may start working on your Student Program Plan prior to taking INDS 300.
Tuition & Financial Aid Considerations
Learn more about WSU undergraduate tuition and fees. Call the Student Accounts office at 507.457.5076 for more information.
You may explore equivalent coursework from other Minnesota State Colleges and Institutions. If you choose to do this, these courses will follow the tuition and fee rates of the college/university and campus at which the course is taken.
All tuition is subject to change by the Minnesota State College and University Board.
Financial Aid while Attending Multiple Minnesota State Institutions
WSU will coordinate the review, approval, and disbursement of financial aid for coursework within the Minnesota State system.
Once financial aid is dispersed, students taking coursework at any other Minnesota State institutions for a given semester are responsible for making payments for those courses directly to the appropriate institution(s).
Students will need to complete a Financial Aid Consortium Agreement each semester they take coursework at both WSU and another institution.
If a change is made to a student’s schedule that voids information that was previously submitted on a Consortium Agreement, a second Consortium Agreement must be submitted.
For example, if a student drops or changes sections of a course that was listed on an initial Consortium Agreement, a second should be submitted that notifies the Financial Aid office that a change has been made.Contact the WSU Financial Aid office at 507.457.5090 to learn more about financial aid processes.
eTranscript Request
If you take courses at another Minnesota State school, they will not show up on your WSU transcript until you request them to be retrieved from the school you took them.
After you have finished a semester and your grades are posted at all institutions, complete the Transcript Request Form to have your grades brought into your WSU student record.
This form is not a request to have WSU provide you with an electronic version of your WSU transcript via e-mail or to mail a copy of your WSU transcript.
Contact the Warrior Hub with any questions about this process or the status of a transcript evaluation.
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