Clubs & Activities
At WSU, you’re more than just a student. Your social life is a big part of your college experience.
You are part of a campus community, which means making friends, having fun, and exploring interests outside the classroom.
Whether you’re a leader or a team player, there are so many ways for you to join in at WSU.
Whatever way you choose to get involved, you can build up your co-curricular transcript. The co-curricular transcript is an official document that tracks your commitments outside the classroom that you can include on job or graduate school applications.
It’s a great representation of all the skills and experiences you gained in college beyond what your GPA can reflect.

Want to nerd out with others in your major? There are plenty of academic clubs to choose from. Ready to explore a personal hobby? We have a club for that—from anime to frisbee golf to ballroom dance!
Looking to volunteer? There are community-focused clubs for that. Wondering how you can practice your religion and celebrate your heritage? There are student organizations for that, too.
Here’s how to choose which clubs to join and find a good balance between your social life and your studies.
How to Choose the Right ClubDon’t see an organization that speaks to you? Create your own student club!

The WSU Events Calendar is the ultimate guide for things to do on campus.
It answers the question, “So, what are we doing tonight?” whether you’re into sports games, film screenings, workshops, and more.
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for major events like Family Weekend and Homecoming.
The Warrior Entertainment Network sponsors activities for students in Winona while the Campus Activity Board hosts events for students in Rochester.
Family Weekend is a perfect time to invite your loved ones to see your new home at WSU.
Then there’s Homecoming—a week to show your Warrior Pride with tons of fun things to do both on campus and in the Winona community.
When you head to college, you don’t have to say goodbye to the fun and friendship of high school sports.
Here you can play more than two dozen games on PCs and Nintendo Switches—all for free!
Enjoy the Lounge