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If you’d like to provide services for WSU, learn about our processes for securing contacts and paying vendors.
Plans and proposals for upcoming construction projects at WSU are posted in the Minnesota State E-Plan Room.
You can find bid document templates in the Project Management eManual.
New registration as a vendor or changes to an existing vendor record can be made via the state’s Supplier Portal by using the “Register for an Account” feature.
You will need your Federal Employer Identification Number and Minnesota State Tax Identification Number (if applicable) when you register.
Being registered is not a guarantee that you will be receive invitations to bid or requests for proposals. Registering means that your name will appear on the list as a potential vendor for the products you sell or services you provide.
Requisitions and Purchase Orders cannot be processed until a supplier is active in our system.
You can also find information on the application process to be certified as a Targeted Group, Economically Disadvantaged, or Veteran-Owned business in the Supplier Portal.
Nearly all contracts for professional or technical consultants, maintenance and repair services, and construction contracts are contained within the Project Management eManual.
Contractors or vendors doing business with WSU must provide evidence of adequate insurance as outlined in the Project Management eManual.
As a condition of their contract, the Minnesota State general insurance requirements (PDF) must be followed.
Winona County prevailing wage rates are required to be paid on all State-funded construction contracts except for contracts or work under a contract where:
- The estimated total cost of completing the project is less than $2,500 and only one trade or occupation is required to complete it
- The estimated total cost of completing the project is less than $25,000 and more than one trade or occupation is required to complete it
Minnesota State payroll collection procedures compliance and enforcement requirements must be followed whenever prevailing wage rates apply. Find more details in the Project Management eManual.
Minnesota State requires the use of its Prevailing Wage Form (Excel). Use of this form is mandatory and no other payroll forms will be accepted to meet reporting requirements. Paper or electronic media are acceptable, but the form must include a signature and date for each pay period.
Once completed, these reports are to be emailed to tsmith@winona.edu or mailed to:
Tara Smith
PO Box 5838,
Winona MN 55987