Join Student Senate
Student Senate is an excellent way to get involved at WSU and showcase your leadership skills.
The Senate has 3 Executives—President, Vice President, and Treasurer— and 29 Senators:
- 5 seats: College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- 2 seats: College of Business
- 4 seats: College of Liberal Arts
- 2 seats: College of Science and Engineering
- 2 seats: College of Education
- 2 seats per class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
- 4 at-large seats
- 1 Graduate seat
- 1 Rochester seat
There are also Affiliate Positions: Executive Assistant, Alliance of Student Organizations Director, and Communications Director.
Student Senate positions are elected by your fellow students, so get ready to run a campaign and earn the most votes.
- Spring General Elections Application Opens: February 27, 2023
- Spring General Elections Application Due: March 12, 2023
- Spring General Elections: March 20-23, 2023
There may be Supplemental Elections based on how many vacant seats remain.
You must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the time of election.
You cannot be on disciplinary probation with WSU.
You must be able to complete the duties outlined in the WSUSS Constitution (PDF).
Complete the Student Senate Election Application Form.
Your goal is to earn the most votes for the seat you are running for.
You must follow the WSUSS Campaign Rules outlined in the WSUSS Constitution (PDF).
Associate Senators
Associate Senators serve as voting members on Student Senate committees.
While Associate Senators do not vote in Student Senate meetings, their votes do count when drafting committee recommendations for the Senate body as whole when they come to a vote.
To become an Associate Senator, simply attend two consecutive committee meetings after which Student Senate will approve your name as a voting member on that standing committee.
All Associate Senators must meet the same qualification requirements as elected Senators.