Meet your 2023-2024 Student Senators.

Affiliate Positions

Committee Chairs

Elected Senators

A Message from President Carman
My name is Alizabelle Carman, and I am honored to serve as the Student Body President this year. I am thrilled to move into this new role and represent every student on this campus! We all chose Winona State for a reason, and I am so excited to represent a campus that continues to grow.
Being elected to this position, I have the honor to represent every student. With this role, my senate and I will address problems on campus. As students, we face similar struggles and notice similar issues. I love to hear from everyone who wants to see change, so I can lead you in the right direction. In my position, I have the ability to work with administration, faculty, and staff to make positive change here at Winona State. As students, we need to stick together to create the best place Winona State can be.
Student Senate has a place on campus to represent students of every major, class, and identity. We strive to make everyone feel comfortable in this place we call home. We work to create a campus that is affordable, cares about your well-being, and inclusive to everyone. Every single one of you are equally as helpful in creating the best campus we can be. Everyone’s voice matters and deserves to be heard. Don’t settle for something you don’t think is right. Advocate for yourself and the people around you. You deserve a great college experience. You deserve to feel seen.
This year, Student Senate’s goal is to create the most inclusive campus we can be. This includes expanding resources and creating a safe place for all students. In addition to this, we hope every student knows their mental health resources and knows that they can use them on campus. I encourage you all to know your resources and use them.
If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of Winona State University student life, do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at