Financial Resources
Check in on your WSU account statements, make a payment, and plan for next year with these financial resources for students.
Check Your Account Balances
WSU provides tuition and fee statements and other documents in Student eServices. Learn how to find your tuition statement.
You can track your meals used and Dining Dollars balances online through GET Funds.
If you’re running low, learn how to change your meal plan or sign up for a Block Plan.
Purple Pass allows you to load money onto your Warrior ID card and use it like a debit card at places on campus and around Winona.
Set up your Purple Pass account and deposit funds today!
Each semester, you get up to 1,000 pages of black and white printing for free.
Check your page balance and view your print summary online using your StarID and password login.
Pay Tuition & Bills
Review payment processes to find the payment option that works for you.
If you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out:
- Contact for questions about your financial aid
- Contact for questions about your student charges
Apply for Financial Aid
From scholarships to grants to loans, there are many types of financial aid that make college more affordable.
Apply for financial aid at WSU with the FAFSA application.
Need help figuring out the financial aid process? Just stop by the Warrior Hub in Maxwell 209 or email and talk to a financial aid counselor.
Apply for Scholarships
Students can access scholarships at every stage of their WSU college career.
WSU offers many types of scholarships, and the WSU Foundation offers hundreds of scholarships each year that total more than $1 million.
You can explore outside scholarships as well.